Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daisy Binders

I know that they do not encourage leaders to ever pay out of pocket for anything, but I couldn't resist. After skimming through our own copies of the Daisy's Girl Guide to Scouting binders, we have opted not to have our parents purchase them for their daughters. Instead, I bought some blue 1/2" binders on sale and used my Silhouette Cameo and some Oracal 651 vinyl to customize their binders. These will be given to the girls at their first meeting and has all the information they (and their parents) will need! They will also be responsible for bringing them to every meeting. 

So far in their binders I have included:
  • Troop Overview Calendar (I use this calendar to list every meeting and which specific petal we are working on during that meeting/STEM days we have)
  • Troop Snack Schedule
  • Troop Monthly Calendar (this calendar lists our meetings, holidays, troop and service unit events, as well as the dates that they have off of school. I have August - December created on my macbook as of right now, but will probably only include two months at a time in their binders because the girls will have to decide which activities they would like to do/participate in)
  • What Daisies Do Information Sheet
  • Girl Scout Daisy Uniform Layout
  • Daisy Awards Chart (I previously found this online, but lost the URL, so I have uploaded it for you. This is the same award tracker that can be found in the Daisy Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting).
We will also have a section for all of their petal work and songs.

*** Fashionable Moms is a great resource for Girl Scout printables and my go to website for all my calendars! Girl Scout Daisy Jumpstart Guide is a great source for information you may need as a leader or can be used as informational handouts for your parent meeting.

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