Sunday, November 9, 2014

Brownies Fall Camp

In May, we ended our Girl Scout season with an overnight at camp and we had enough remaining camp credit that we were able to kick off our new Girl Scout year with another overnight at camp.

 Our camps are always Girl Led with adult supervision. Our Brownies and Daisy tags were responsible for their belongings, the cooking, serving and cleaning. Our new camp volunteers probably did not expect how independent we require the girls to be.

Our first night of camp it stormed for a little while so after dinner we spent the night having the girls make dreamcatchers and they had a lava lamp STEM project. Once the rain passed, they were also able to go on a mini night hike before we spent the remainder of the night around the campfire roasting s'mores.

We had a great menu this year and the girls were able to do a lot more cooking in the kitchen. Usually when the weather permits it, we have the girls cook at the campfire, but since it stormed we ended up utilizing the kitchen more this year.
My two favorite items on the menu were nachos and pancakes! Yum!

Our second day at camp the girls hiked to the vehicles at the parking lot and loaded their belongings and then we took our annual picture by the camp signs. After that we had them make a circle around the flag pole and say the Pledge of Allegiance and Girl Scout promise.

We spent the remainder of our day at the camp's splashpark (which I'm sure was one of the girls' favorite activities) before we all made our way back home. After fall sales we have learned that the troop made enough camp credit for another overnighter and to think they'll still earn credit after cookie sales. Sounds like our troop will be camping a lot this year!

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