Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Place, New Year

Aloha Everyone,

I completely lost track of my first year as a Daisy Leader.  Midway through the year we had to move (the life of an Army family) and my daughters had to be Juliettes for the remainder of the scouting year. I definitely missed my Daisies and Brownies, but we are happy to announce that our new scouting year is about to start and I have volunteer to be a co-leader for a Brownie troop and my Daisy daughter has a new troop. We are very excited!

With that being said, it's that time of the year -- we have our Brownie parent meeting and first troop meeting this weekend.

I spent my day working on both the parent folders and our Brownie folders.
You can find all of the documents that I have used in my Dropbox folder located here.

On the hand out side of our parent we folder we included:

(1) a welcome letter
(2) a handout listing what the troop accomplished. This includes journeys and badges earned last year and events they attended in 2014-2015. This handout also lists what awards, journeys and badges they still need to complete this year and a list of scheduled Service Unit and Council Events plus a list of possible locations for future activities (which the girls will narrow down and decide which ones they would like to do this year)
(3) What Brownies Do Handout
(4) Uniform diagram
(5) Their own copy of the Parent Promise and Law.

 On the paperwork side of our folder we included the following forms for parents to fill out and return: (1) The Parent Promise and Law, (2) a Ohana Talent survey (which is our take on the parent involvement forms we have found online. I ended up combining a Girl Scout parent involvement form with a Cub Scout parent volunteer form), (3) a financial assistance form (not many families are aware that their membership dues or camp fees may be eligible to be covered by FA) and (4) the most important form -- health record form!!!

Brownie Scout Folders

I had a lot of fun designing the Brownie folders.

On the left side of the folder we placed:

 (1) I Can't Wait To Paper
(2) the Barbie I Can Be Activity booklet.

We plan on having the girls fill out the I Can't Wait To paper while we talk with their parents. The Barbie booklet will be a take home activity that they can turn in at the next meeting for their first fun patch.

Other items in the binder include:
(1) Calendar pages,
(2) same handout as their parents received with what they accomplished last year and what can be accomplished this year
(3) a badge tracker
(4) their bridging requirements
(5) a money envelope (this is something new I've attended to our folders this year. I figured this would be an easier way to keep track of who turned in what and we can send the receipts back in it - last year we had plastic pencil pouches)
(6) Lil Elf reminder (I knew we needed to have the Promise and Law in our folder somewhere and fell in love with this! I thought it would look best as a sticker)

If anyone is curious, I use my Silhouette Cameo's print and cut feature for all stickers shown above.
- I order sticker paper off of Amazon because it is a lot cheaper (Best Print brand full sheet labels)
- I have a HP Officejet Pro and HP ink subscription (I should probably use less paper, but we all know we have to give out all this information on hard copies as well as posting on troop sites).

Happy 2015-2016 Scouting Season Everyone!


  1. Hello I know is problebly asking for a lot. But would you mind emailing me these files ? First timer here.

  2. What’s your email address? Do you have Brownies? I can email you what I have :)

  3. I have Daisies, but feel free to send Brownie stuff if you have. Thank you so much. RIVERA.YAJAIRA82@GMAIL.COM

  4. I would like them as well please. I am a Leader of a Multi-level Troop of Daisies-Cadettes. My Email address is

  5. Could you send this to me, I am a new leader and could use all the assistance I can get!

  6. Could you send me the information to me. I am a new leasder and could use all the assistance/resorces I can ;-)
